how lakesack came about
In the late Summer of 2021 I was volunteering at my daughters Scouts, litter picking on the shoreline of Lake Windermere. In conversation with another Mum, she mentioned someone who was looking to hand over a swim bag made start up created during lockdown. So, when I got home I looked it up and it turned out it was someone I first met at 7 years old at primary School - and that’s when I stepped in.
I grew up in the Lakes and have always been in or around them my whole life - plus a keen fell walker and dog lover.
Using recycled materials was top of the list - and after a lot of searching, I found a company a few junctions down the M6 that supplied recycled lorry curtains - or ‘tarps’ which had brilliant graphics and colours.
Life in the lakes is rarely dry! Walking the dog, doing the school run, going shopping and just going about daily life. It rains, a lot. So, with that also in mind - I started making bags for other things too.
Each lorry bag is a one off and unique due to it’s graphics, colours and evidence of a hard life on the road.
More lorry curtains are heading back up the motorway this way very soon, so will be on route for a new life in the Lakes.